Popular Accommodation in Nanjing China

5 Popular Hotels in Nanjing

From mid-range stays to backpacker hostels, these are the five most comfortable beds under US$120 per night

For most travelers, there are only two kinds of hotels: the ones to check into when a Fortune 500 company is paying and the ones to book with their own check.

Nanjing Hotlines

Service Hotline: +86-25-12345

Travel consultation: +86-25-52269008

Travel complaints: +86-25-52260123

Airport Ticket Offices:

Add: inside Airport Lounge, 2F, Lukou Airport

Tel: 025-52480482 025-52480710

Ticket Office Airport Arrival Hall

Nanjing's Weather, Seasons and Zoning

Nanjing Weather:

Nanjing has 4 distinct seasons with relatively huge temperature differences. Nanjing has plenty of rainfall to keep it green and shorter springs and autumns whilst the winters and summers are rather longer.