Stone Pillar Forest on Guizi Hill

By far the most significant point of interest in Luhe district is the Stone Pillar Forest on Guizi Hill. The forest is a type of geological formation that has only been found at four sites an earth, of which this is the biggest. Massive gray pentagonal and hexagonal stone columns line the inside of the hill’s shell, of which some four-fifths survives; the area inside the hill covers nearly a fifth of a square kilometer, and the hill itself is about fifty meters tall.

Stone Pillar Forest on Guizi Hill

By far the most significant point of interest in Luhe district is the Stone Pillar Forest on Guizi Hill. The forest is a type of geological formation that has only been found at four sites an earth, of which this is the biggest. Massive gray pentagonal and hexagonal stone columns line the inside of the hill’s shell, of which some four-fifths survives; the area inside the hill covers nearly a fifth of a square kilometer, and the hill itself is about fifty meters tall.