Jinling Sutra Publishing House

Jinling Sutra Publishing House is a famous Buddhist cultural institutions and the birthplace of Buddhism revival movement in China. It was founded by Yang Renshan in Tongzhi fifth year of Qing dynasty (1866). He was born in Anhui province in 1839; following in his father's footsteps, he became an officer in the Qing army, and joined his father in the war against the Taiping.


Jinling Sutra Publishing House

Jinling Sutra Publishing House is a famous Buddhist cultural institutions and the birthplace of Buddhism revival movement in China. It was founded by Yang Renshan in Tongzhi fifth year of Qing dynasty (1866). He was born in Anhui province in 1839; following in his father's footsteps, he became an officer in the Qing army, and joined his father in the war against the Taiping.