Jinling Sutra Publishing House

Jinling Sutra Publishing House is a famous Buddhist cultural institutions and the birthplace of Buddhism revival movement in China. It was founded by Yang Renshan in Tongzhi fifth year of Qing dynasty (1866). He was born in Anhui province in 1839; following in his father's footsteps, he became an officer in the Qing army, and joined his father in the war against the Taiping.


Ming Palace Ruins Park

This park is located on the site of the former palace of Zhu Yuanzhang, first Emperor of the Ming Dynasty. Built from 1366-84 it was apparently a very impressive palace. There were the Imperial Ancestral Temple, the state altar and all facilities of the imperial palace. When Zhu Di moved the capital from Nanjing to Beijing, he built Beijing Imperial Palace in imitation of Ming Palace in Nanjing. Ming Palace was destroyed in the war at the end of the Qing Dynasty. Now what remain are only some carved stones, building foundation, column base, etc. 

Egret Park

As a bright pearl in Qinhuai scenic area, Egret Park covers a total area of 15.3 hectares with a lake-water area of 3.8 hectares. Successively being called Xu Zhongshan Garden, Eastern Garden and Taifu Garden in history, it was a garden of Xu Da, a founding general of the Ming Dynasty. Thanks to its charming sceneries of unique rustic appeal, it has always been the place for many noted scholars to get together, writing poems and drinking wine. In the period of the Republic of China, it was formally turned into Egret Park.